24 Best Telegram Search Bots 2025
In 2016, over 15 billion messages were being sent on Telegram daily. With the social media platform users growing ten-fold, the numbers have only increased. Groups, channels, bots, and mini-apps have also become part of the ecosystem. How do you get the information you need from such a vast amount of content? This is where Telegram search bots come in.
Part 1. What are Telegram Search Bots?
A Telegram search bot is a tool within Telegram designed to help users find specific messages, channels, groups, or media. The bots use artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to get information from the social media platform and external sources. Programmers and third-party service providers use Telegram's bot API to create the tools.
You can use Telegram search bots to:
- Search within Telegram: Enter specific keywords or queries, and the bot will return relevant results from Telegram—whether it's messages or media.
- Search external resources: Some bots can find information beyond Telegram, delivering results from external databases or websites.
- Process chat commands: Interact with these bots via simple text commands. The bots process these commands and respond with the requested information, making it easy to search without leaving the Telegram app.
- Discover specific groups: Find relevant bots, channels, or groups on Telegram with ease.
Whether you are looking for a job, specific channels, or groups, there is a bot for that service. But how do you filter through the thousands of options available? In our next section, we help you do the heavy lifting by highlighting the best Telegram search bots.
Part 2. 25 Best Telegram Search Bots
Based on our testing, we have identified 25 of the best Telegram search bots. They can be used to search for group chats, images, files, audio, and more.
Note: Although these bots have been tested, their developers have the authority to modify or disable their features at any time.
1. Image Search Bots
Bot Name: Yandex Image Search
- Best For: Finding and sharing images in groups, channels, and chats
- Description: This search bot is ideal for finding and sharing images in groups, channels, and chats. The good thing is that you don't need to add it anywhere because it works automatically. Open any of your chats and type @pic <keyword>, for example, @pic funny face.
- Bot Link
- Best For: Getting high-quality inline images
- Description: Are you looking for high-quality inline images? This is one of the best tools to get the images. You can share pictures in other groups, channels, and chats by typing @InlinePicsBot followed by the keyword.
- Bot Link
2. Text Search
Bot Name: Ossint_group_searh
- Best For: Telegram searches about things, people, and places.
- Description: A bot for Telegram search about things, people, and places. Ossint_group_searh provides essential personal and identifying information such as emails, phone numbers, names, and nicknames.
You can also get location-based details like IP addresses and security credentials such as passwords and domain information. Additionally, the bot can give you information related to companies, license plates, VINs, INN (Taxpayer Identification Numbers), and Snils (Russian insurance numbers).
Social media and messaging platform IDs, including Telegram, VK, and Facebook, are also part of the data you can get. This is a paid service, but they provide a 1-week free trial. - Bot Link
Bot Name: Bitget Market News
- Best For: Price and index change notifications
- Description: Bitget provides price change notifications and a daily newsletter on Telegram for the latest updates. With a tap, you can access market movers and the Fear and Greed Index at your fingertips. Tap "Start" or type /start to begin using the Telegram search bot link.
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Bot Name: Bot Support
- Best For: Telegram Mini App and Bot developers
- Description: Bot Support is meant to support Mini App and Bot Developers. This is an official platform from Telegram, which guarantees accurate information.
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Bot Name: Weather Ninja
- Best For: Weather forecast searches
- Description: The Telegram bot checks the weather forecast for your city or anywhere you want. To get the information, send the name of the city in the chat. You can also use the weather search bot in other chats, channels, and groups by typing "@WeatherNinjaBot + name of the city".
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Caller Info bot
- Best For: Searching for unknown caller information
- Description: Are you having an unknown number nagging you with calls? Send the mobile number in the international format to get its information. Through the search, you can get the caller's name, time zone, and country. The bot also provides the phone carrier; you can also locate or connect to the person on WhatsApp or Telegram.
- Bot Link
3. GIFs & Emoji Search
Bot Name: Tenor GIF Search
- Best For: Getting GIFs from Google's Tenor database
- Description: Tenor bot is designed to search GIFs using Google's Tenor. To use the Telegram search bot, type @tenorbot <keyword> in any chat. For example, @tenorbot cat
- Bot Link
Bot Name: TaggedBot
- Best For: Tagging stickers and GIFs for later use
- Description: This bot lets you tag stickers and GIFs, then quickly search for them later using inline queries in any chat. You can use the /help command to get more information on how to use the bot.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Reverse Search Bot
- Best For: Finding the source of an image, GIF, or sticker
- Description: This is one of the best Telegram search bots for finding the source of an image, GIF, or sticker. It comes in handy in identifying anime characters, shows, or episodes from a screenshot. The bot also works in groups if you reply to an image with commands "/source" or "/sauce". You can also use inline mode for URL lookups.
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4. Videos Search
- Best For: Movie search and storage
- Description: iBox is one of the most efficient movie search bots. The tool can search movies, act as a file store, rename files, stream, and shorten links. Besides, you can use it as a Telegram search group bot to suggest platforms to join. To search for a movie, type @iBOXTVMOVIEBOT" followed by the title.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: VOD_Guide
- Best For: Providing information about movies
- Description: Whether you are searching for information about a popular movie or its plot summary, this is the best platform. The bot provides information like movie title, year, type, director, and cast.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Get Subtitle Bot
- Best For: Getting movies and series subtitles
- Description: The bot provides subtitles for movies and series. If your required subtitle is not available, try again after 47 hours. If you are not sure of the correct spelling of the movie title, use @goodIMDbOT in the chat. Otherwise, type the movie title only in the message box.
- Bot Link
5. Telegram Search Bot
Bot Name: TelegramDB Search Bot
- Best For: Finding public channels and groups
- Description: This Telegram channel search bot allows you to find public channels and groups. You can also see what public chats a user is in or has been in. The constantly updated database has over 300+ million chats and 1 billion users. TelegramDB has free and premium commands.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Telegram Search Bot
- Best For: Any searches on Telegram
- Description: This is an all-in-one Telegram search bot with all the information you need about channels, groups, movies, and other topics. To use the bot, send a keyword to get all the relevant links. If you don't have any keywords, send the "/rand" command to get 10 random links.
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Bot Name: Searchy — Search on Telegram Bot
- Best For: Searching the Telegram Bot API documentation.
- Description: This bot searches the Telegram Bot API documentation. You can use it in the bot chat or other groups and channels.
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6. Audio Search Bot
Bot Name: Music Searcher Bot
- Best For: Music search
- Description: This bot lets you search music. You can use the bot to search songs based on titles or artists. The tool supports inline searches.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Finder Music | Музыка
- Best For: Searching music in the CIS
- Description: Finder Music is one of the most popular bots for searching music in the CIS. You can search audio files for your favorite songs. The bot also shares popular and new songs in a click. Beware: the bot uses strong language in its regular adverts.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Shazam-Music finder
- Best For: Finding songs from voice messages, videos, or audio files
- Description: The bot recognizes a song from voice message, video, or audio files and gives you info about the song. Shazam supports Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok, Apple Music, and over 20 other sites and apps. It is also available in different languages.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Music Finder
- Best For: Finding music, send song title or artist
- Description: As the name suggests, this bot helps find songs and other audio files from the internet. However, the owners require users to subscribe to some channels to use the bot.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Lyrics Finder
- Best For: Getting song lyrics
- Description: By just sending the song's name, you get the lyrics in seconds. You can also request the karaoke using the command "/karaoke".
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7. Game Searches
Bot Name: Game Info Bot
- Best For: Searching game info
- Description: Are you a game looking for information about a new or your favorite game? This bot provides all the information you need. Plus, you can find out the latest games using the "/t" command.
- Bot Link
Bot Name: Games Grids Bot
- Best For: Searching cover images for any game
- Description: With this Telegram search bot, you can get cover images for any game.
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Bot Name: Steam Search
- Best For: Finding games from the Steam DataBase
- Description: This bot searches through thousands of games on the Steam DataBase to help you share games with friends through inline search. You can also add games to your wishlist to get real-time discount notifications.
- Bot Link
Part 3. How to Create an AI Telegram Bot Without Any Coding?
After using the Telegram search bots mentioned above, have you considered creating your own Telegram bot?
If you haven't started yet, is it because you're concerned about needing advanced coding skills or because the process seems too complex?
Don't worry, ChatInsight, a free AI chatbot building platform, can address these concerns.
ChatInsight is an AI chatbot building platform that is easy to use without any coding skills. It offers a user-friendly interface, allowing users to create their own AI bot through a few simple steps. Unlike other AI chatbots, ChatInsight allows users to upload a knowledge base, meaning you can create a targeted AI bot rather than one that only generates broad responses.
You can create up to 5 AI bots for free with ChatInsight, and deploy them across various social media platforms and websites.
Telegram search bots provide diverse functionality to ease your navigation through the platform. Whether you are looking for a group to join or a movie to watch, there is a bot for it. We have sieved through thousands of groups and found the most useful for different uses. Explore our list to find a bot that fits your needs.
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