Working experience and education

Maverick has written for 8 years since 2014 and focuses on IT and MDM topics. He mines news in the industry and likes to test and experience products.


Maverick is a sports lover interested in swimming, climbing, and running. He also loves camping and invites his friends to join often.
Read all articles from Maverick

How to Send Ctrl Alt Del to Remote Desktop [Quick Guide]

Using the Ctrl Alt Del key combination doesn't work during a remote desktop connection. Read this quick guide for a solution.

How to Setup Outlook App on Android Devices?

Follow the below steps to set up the Outlook app on your Android device. Additionally, you can learn how to use MDM to configure the app. Step 1 After installing the Microsoft Outlook app, open it on your Android device. Tap 'ADD Account.' Step 2 Enter your email address in the blank. Then proceed with...

How to Turn on Enhanced Safe Browsing?

The article will walk you through the simple process of enabling the Enhanced Safe Browsing feature.

How to Turn off Safe Browsing?

Safe Browsing is a security feature. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to turn off the Safe Browsing feature in Google Chrome.

How to Setup Work Profile on Android?

A work profile on an Android device allows you to keep personal and work data separate. It's a feature often managed by a mobile device management (MDM) tool.

How to Schedule Android OS Updates?

OS updates is crucial for device security and performance. This article is about scheduling Android OS updates so to minimize disruptions to daily routine.

How to Add App to Whitelist Android?

Adding an app to the whitelist for Android devices, you need to adjust settings using a mobile device management solution. Here's a guide on how to do this.

How to Change App Permissions on Android? (2 Methods)

The article provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to change permissions for apps on Android, ensuring users maintain control over their data.

How to Connect to a Secure Wi-Fi Network?

Connecting to a secure Wi-Fi network using a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution involves a few steps that can be generally outlined as follows.

How to Unpin Screen on an Android Device?

To unpin a screen on an Android device, you can use a combination of buttons, depending on the version of Android and the device model. Here's a general guide.